Why Join WAPI?

The Professionals Choice

As a Professional Investigator you have a responsible role to perform in society as well as gaining due reward from a worthwhile career. But are you getting the maximum benefits available from membership of any one of the various bodies which represent the industry? Indeed, are you aware of the many benefits and facilities which are offered by the World Association of Professional Investigators, the premier trade association for investigators world-wide?

Membership of the World Association of Professional Investigators, WAPI, is not just a question of paying an annual subscription for the right to attach a logo to your letter-heads. Membership of WAPI means so much more for the investigators who join our ranks.

membership-benefitsMembership Benefits

  • An internationally recognised Association of Professionals can do far more than the individual to Influence Governments, organisations and public opinion in building and upholding the image of the Profession, framing legal structures, protecting rights and boosting the confidence of potential clients in receiving the very highest standards of service.
  • News items providing a news, from around the world on the profession.
  • An on-line Directory of Members and Services will provide all the information and contacts to enable the Professional Investigator to make full use of the Association’s resources, fellow members and their services.
  • Members have the opportunity through WAPI to network internationally. This is particularly useful for assignments abroad where local knowledge is vital.
  • A Certificate of Membership will be issued to each member. 
  • Inter-Agency assignment opportunities and support.
  • A direct link with ISS Training Limited to provide training and qualification services to WAPI Members as well as the wider non-aligned sector.
  • Representation to the Media to promote and project a professional image for our industry.
  • The Association provides a useful Arbitration Service to resolve disputes which may arise between Members and or their clients. 
  • Meetings and Seminars offering the chance to develop skill sets “Network’ and providing social and business contact with talks on investigative topics.
  • Availability for publication of the WAPI Logo and other items.
  • A Professionally produced Photo Membership ID Card.
  • This outline provides just a flavour of the advantages of WAPI membership and a convincing answer to why joining the Association is not only desirable, it is a necessary adjunct for the serious Investigator who means business.
  • WAPI Membership Refund/Cancellation Policy (click here)

Our Profession is Investigation. If our business is your business then it makes good professional sense to join the premier investigative body for premier investigators.


Introduction from the Chairman

10th June 2024
WAPI – in conjunction with the Institute of Professional Investigators ( IPI) and the United Kingdom Private Investigators Network (UKPIN), launch the Confederation of Professional Investigators UK. (COPI) http://www.copiuk.org.uk This is a move to establish a collective voice from established Associations, already known for best business practices, following an agreed Code of Ethics protecting commercial Clients, the general public, and Investigators alike.
10th June 2024

Users of Professional Investigative Services including members of the public, legal profession, business and corporate clients, are able to select a credible Professional Investigator who is recognized as a “professional” and as such is a member of an established and approved professional association such as The World Association of Professional Investigators (WAPI).

Further Reading;

Update from Chairman July 2023

Tony Smith, Chairman
