About WAPI

Who are WAPI?

The World Association of Professional Investigators (WAPI) is a professional body formed by professionals, for professionals practising in all areas of investigation. WAPI meets the need for a worldwide organisation which can provide a focal point for investigators. WAPI promotes the investigative profession internationally and provides networking opportunities through which members can exchange ideas, knowledge, methods, advice, education and working assignments. Whilst adhering to a strict Code of Ethics.

iStock_86427803_LARGEWhat are the aims and objectives of WAPI?

The Association’s aims and objectives are to:

  • Promote and uphold the image and status of investigation as an international profession.
  • Provide educational facilities and resources through associated organisations leading to internationally recognised professional, academic and vocational qualifications.
  • Publish and abide by a strict Code of Ethics.
  • Present a unified ‘voice’ for the Profession.
  • Provide an arbitration service to resolve disputes between members.
  • Provide an arbitration service between members and non-members.

Historic Industry Affiliations

The Joint Security Industry Council – (United Kingdom)

The Joint Security Industry Council (JSIC) was the umbrella organisation for a broad group of security associations, inspectorates and organisations. JSIC helped to co-ordinate representations from the industry in discussions with Government and the police on security industry matters, and facilitated the process of distributing information from these discussions and other sources back to the industry prior to, and after the Bill (PSIA 2001) became law.

The Investigation Sector Group– (England & Wales)

The ISG was formed from all the Representative Associations and eGroups with the objective of co-ordination of discussion and debate on the Private Security Industry Act, and to represent the interests of ALL practicing investigators in England and Wales on licensing issues following the enactment of the PSI Act. These activities included:

  • email discussion group
  • Seminars and Conferences
  • Web site
  • Sector Group meetings

The WAPI E-Group

The WAPI E-Group is one of the largest Investigator E-Group’s in Europe for approved members to communicate ideas, opinions and promote Inter-Agency relationships.


Introduction from the Chairman

10th June 2024
WAPI – in conjunction with the Institute of Professional Investigators ( IPI) and the United Kingdom Private Investigators Network (UKPIN), launch the Confederation of Professional Investigators UK. (COPI) http://www.copiuk.org.uk This is a move to establish a collective voice from established Associations, already known for best business practices, following an agreed Code of Ethics protecting commercial Clients, the general public, and Investigators alike.
10th June 2024

Users of Professional Investigative Services including members of the public, legal profession, business and corporate clients, are able to select a credible Professional Investigator who is recognized as a “professional” and as such is a member of an established and approved professional association such as The World Association of Professional Investigators (WAPI).

Further Reading;

Update from Chairman July 2023

Tony Smith, Chairman
