WAPI – Complaints Procedures


All Members by virtue of their membership have undertaken to comply with the published Code of Ethics.
Thus ALL Complaints are solely based upon the Ethical Code as published.

Ethical Code:

The Association and its Members, Associates and Affiliates shall at all times:

  1. Conduct all investigations and allied matters with integrity and within acceptable legal, professional and moral guidelines.
  2. Require a client’s undertaking that all information provided by members is for lawful use only.
  3. Require that all employees and others assisting in an investigation abide by the WAPI Code of Ethics.
  4. Assist all regulatory and legal authorities when required to do so by law.
  5. Practice only in matters for which they are qualified and/or competent.
  6. Refer all matters of conflict between members to the Association’s governing body for arbitration, whose decision will be accepted as binding.
  7. Not misrepresent or exaggerate the activities and services offered by the profession.
  8. At all times protect the good reputation of the members, their clients, the Association and the Profession in general.
  9. Deal professionally in all matters with discretion, courtesy and confidentiality within ethical constraints.
  10. Not deny any professional services to any client for any reasons of race, colour, religion, sex, handicap, sexual preference or national origin.
  11. Comply with the regulatory and legal requirements within their operational jurisdiction.
  12. Conduct all investigations and allied matters in full compliance with the GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation.
  13. Be fully conversant with, and to remain updated with applicable legislation that appertains to my profession and business.
  14. Conduct all Business Matters with integrity and make payment of all properly presented Supplier Bills promptly within agreed or stipulated payment terms, excepting any genuine complaint which should be resolved as quickly as reasonably possible, utilising if necessary the WAPI Members Arbitration facilities.

Class of Complainant:

WAPI will only interdict in respect of the following Complainants:

Non Member against WAPI Member
WAPI Member against WAPI Member


Complaint to be submitted to C&D GC Member in writing with supporting Evidence

C&D acknowledge receipt in writing

C&D verify that the basis of Complaints falls within the Ethical Code

C&D copy Complaint/Evidence to both Parties and collate Responses
Minor Issues can be resolved with C&D Negotiation
More serious Complaints will be assigned to a GC Member (or Appointed Member of WAPI by GC) to investigate
Result of investigations will be submitted as a Report to the GC
GC will determine the outcome, and C&D will notify the Parties accordingly
Appeals: In the event that a Decision is Appealed, this will be heard by a Committee of 3 GC Members whose Decision will be final
In a case of non-acceptance of Final Decision, an Independent Arbitor will be appointed at the expense of the Appellant whose Decision will be binding on all Parties
In the Case of the Complaint being against a GC Member, the GC, at the discretion of the Chairman, will appoint a Non GC Member to conduct an independent investigation and to submit as at 7 above.

C&D Officer:

A GC Member appointed by the GC to deal with all Complaints, and to Negotiate amicable Settlements where appropriate (consent) and to Manage all Complaints/Discipline for WAPI


At the discretion of the GC Penalties may take the following form:

Termination of  Membership of WAPI
Suspension of Membership for a specified Period
Published Reprimand & Written Apology
Reprimand & Written Apology
Payment of Debt & Written Apology (Non Payment Claims)


Introduction from the Chairman

10th June 2024
WAPI – in conjunction with the Institute of Professional Investigators ( IPI) and the United Kingdom Private Investigators Network (UKPIN), launch the Confederation of Professional Investigators UK. (COPI) http://www.copiuk.org.uk This is a move to establish a collective voice from established Associations, already known for best business practices, following an agreed Code of Ethics protecting commercial Clients, the general public, and Investigators alike.
10th June 2024

Users of Professional Investigative Services including members of the public, legal profession, business and corporate clients, are able to select a credible Professional Investigator who is recognized as a “professional” and as such is a member of an established and approved professional association such as The World Association of Professional Investigators (WAPI).

Further Reading;

Update from Chairman July 2023

Tony Smith, Chairman
