In discussion with Professor Mark Button of Portsmouth University, who is compiling a research project which is applicable to us in this profession, I am posting the relevant links here for members participation. Any members participation is completely anonymous and will, I feel, eventually assist those that make the decisions that affect us in understanding just what we actually do in this profession.
I would urge all members to participate in the survey which will take only a few minutes of your time.
Tony Smith
WAPI Chairman
Dear WAPI members
I am writing to you regarding your potential participation in a research project on non-police investigators. The study aims to understand the background of non-police investigators, the types of investigations they engage in, the tools and strategies used and your views on some important issues such as regulation and privatisation.
This project has received ethical approval (FEC ref: FHSS 2020-044) and is being conducted by Professor Mark Button from the University of Portsmouth and Dr Peter Stiernstedt from the University of West London. More information can be found here.
Your participation entails filling out an online survey which should not take more than 15 minutes. Participation is completely voluntary, and you can opt out of the survey at any time by closing down the browser window. We do not seek any data that will personally identify you and you will remain anonymous. Once your answers are submitted, however they cannot be identified and therefore not removed.
We appreciate you taking the time to read this invitation and would like to thank you in advance for your assistance in this project.
Yours sincerely
Professor Mark Button