WAPI Investigator Awards 2015
Saturday 31st October 2015
Liverpool Marriott Hotel City Centre, One Queen Square, Liverpool, L1 1RH
It is that time of year again when we require your assistance in nominating fellow colleagues, or even yourself, for one of our Annual Investigator Awards.
We have two categories this year:
The Patrick Flynn Award for Investigator of the Year*
The Frank Battes Award for Newcomer of the Year*
In order to make a nomination for these two prestigious awards, please submit a short description of why you feel the recipient is worthy of the accolade.
Please detail any specific cases where the nominee might have excelled and obtained outstanding results on behalf of a client.
Once all nominee’s are received, the WAPI Governing Council will provide a shortlist, at which point, all WAPI Members are eligible to cast their vote.
Please submit your nominations by emailing generalsecretary@wapi.org prior to the 1st August 2015
*All nominees should be current WAPI Members
General Secretary & Membership Secretary
Tel: +44 203 859 9205
Fax: +44 (0)870 9010209
Email: generalsecretary@wapi.org
4th Floor, 49 St James Street, London, SW1A 1AH