WAPI AGM 2006/2007


The Association’s AGM will take place at 1pm on Friday October 12th , 2007 at the London offices of WAPI:

212 Piccadilly

Any WAPI Member who wishes to attend in person, please notify me ASAP to arrange facilities.

Any WAPI Member who wishes to have an Item placed on the Agenda should email me ASAP

The Meeting Agenda is as follows:

  1. Meeting is declared open by the Chairman – John Edwards
  2. Chairman’s Annual Report (see below)
  3. Vice Chairman’s Report
  4. Treasurers Report and presentation of Accounts
  5. GC Members Reports
    • Membership
    • EU & Training
    • C&D & UK2
  6. The GC Stand down
  7. GS announces Election Results
  8. New GC appoint Officers/Portfolios
  9. Incoming Chairman Introduction and Proposals for new Term
  10. Seminar Report
  11. Members Questions/Concerns – represented by the GS
  12. Any other Business


Candidate Statements are available below

GC Member Current GC Position Standing for
Ian Withers Licensing Chairman
Beverley Flynn Membership Treasurer/Vice Chair
Stuart Withers Treasurer Business Manager/Marketing
Darren Glover General Secretary Membership Secretary
Tony Smith Complaints & Discipline Complaints & Discipline
Egroup Moderator Egroup Moderator/Newsletter
John Hope Mentor/Press Officer Mentor/Press Officer
Nigel Ross Governing Council







WAPI operate on a Default Voting System. This means that for each qualified WAPI Member, it will be deemed that a Proxy has been given to the General Secretary who will vote with a “YES” Vote for each Candidate UNLESS the Member notifies in writing a “NO” Vote.

In the event of a Yes/No Tie, the Members will be invited to submit Ballot papers at a later date.

Any qualified Member may Vote in person at the AGM provided written notice to attend has been received.

WAPI Chairman’s Annual Report – Term 2006/2007

WAPI Chairman’s Report 2006-2007

The last twelve months has witnessed a very slow and inactive period in the life of WAPI. This is as a result of the Profession being in a state of uncertainty with regard to the question of licensing and has resulted in a degree of apathy that seems to have crept in.

In hindsight I would recommend that any future chairperson considering or being considered for the position of Chairperson needs to have a reasonable administration back up to give the position the full attention that it requires, as a one man band it is difficult to juggle the needs of the Association with the requirements to sustain a reasonable standard of living.

The backing of the remainder of the GC and our Representatives is also essential to ensure that things can move forward for the benefit of the organisation, we must also be mindful that the no one person is bigger than the organisation.

Training has also been something of a grey area as the SIA have been unable to steer anyone in the correct direction, although just lately things seem to be moving and it looks likely that we may see a clearer picture over the next few months., The Academy of Professional Investigation have successfully had their Distance Learning Course transformed into a BTEC qualification which was a long road, but gives the profession another source of valuable training with a recognised qualification upon successful completion, I commend Ian Watts’s, statement as posted on the uk2 site, with regard to qualifications for trainers.

Accordingly I have decided that I will not be standing for Chairman for a second term. By not having the necessary administrative support I was most probably not the best suited individual to hold the office enabling me to give the best that the association deserved.

I would like to thank the all members of the GC and Representatives that have given me support over the last 12 months and urge the membership of the Association that you can get a great deal out of serving on the GC even if it is only for a short term, so do not be afraid to embrace it. Finally I would like to thank Stuart Withers for giving me the opportunity all those years ago for being in at the start of WAPI and wish the Association all the very best for the future.

Candidate Bio’s


Tony commenced as a full time Private Investigator/Process Server with Ferguson Investigations in Liverpool in February 1977 and remained employed with them until that business was sold in the summer of 1981. He began working in his own right in October 1981, remaining full time in the business working from home initially and opening an office in Liverpool City Centre in June of 1985. In 1986 together with other Liverpool Investigators formed The Merseyside Association of Investigators & Process Servers and was the Secretary/Treasurer of that Association until 2000. He is a team member of Missing Kin, a worldwide collaboration of Investigators which deals solely with the return of abducted children, and The Association of Christian Investigators. In 2000 he was engaged by BBC TV as ‘Technical Advisor’ on the television series “Nice Guy Eddie” an engagement that lasted three years. Tony is an active member of British Mensa and The Horserace Writers Association. Tony was appointed to the Governing Council in October 2004.


Ian D Withers – Fellow & Past Chairman – UK/EU Regulation (ISG Representative)

Ian is a Founding Member of WAPI, and has completed 5 Terms of Office as Chairman. Over the last few years he has promoted the concept of EU Licensing as against National Licences, similar to the current Drivers Licence, isssued by each State and valid throughout Europe and beyond. A Professional Investigator since 1960, during which time served as a Police Officer. He was appointed as National Security Advisor to the Seychelles Government from 1979 to 1986. Licensed for over 10 years as a PI in Maryland USA where he is a Member of NCISS, USAPI, NALI, LPIA, PIAM & NAPPS. Currently the Chair, of the International Membership Section, of the National Association of Legal Investigators and past Assistant Editor for International News with PI Magazine. Ian holds NVQ Level 4 Investigations, and represents WAPI on the ISG – Investigator Sector Group. The CEO of Priority Investigations Group, Ian lives with his Wife Phyl between Northern Ireland and Cyprus.


Stuart is a founder member of WAPI and is a member of the Chartered Management Institute. Stuart has been a practicing professional Investigator for over 40 years and holds an NVQ Level 4 in Investigation. He is the founder and CEO of Nationwide Investigations Group, the NIG Academy of Professional Investigation and Author of the NIG Process Servers Guide, together with being a contributor to the NVQ syllabus in investigation level 3 and 4. Stuart works in Central London and lives with his family in Handcross, West Sussex.


Beverley has been directly involved in the Investigation Industry for 25 years. Although by her own admission, she is not an investigator, but a Business Woman, who runs an Investigation Agency. Beverley is also a full member of the ABI; Beverley’s career commenced in Business Management and joined the Investigation Industry with her late Husband Patrick. Beverley attained a BA Honours degree in Business Management in the early 1990’s.
As Managing Director of Insight Investigations, Head Office in Birmingham, UK, Beverley has been responsible for its growth to a position as a leading well respected International Investigation Agency. During Beverley’s career she has worked tirelessly to raise the profile and reputation of the Investigation Industry. Beverley became the Membership Secretary of WAPI in October 2003 and held the post of Lady Vice-Chairman of the Association from October 2004 to October 2006.


John Frederick Hope -PR & Media

John was born in June 1945. Having completed a career in the International Shipping & Road Transport industry, John decided to utilise the skills that he had obtained after 4 years with the Territorial Army, (Parachute Regiment) and formed his first commercial company. In 1977 he became the M D of Globe Investigations. Where he controlled the operations within the shipping & transport area, for insurance clients. From 1978 he operated as an Investigator & Manager, for Nationwide Investigations Group, Birmingham Office. In 1982 he commenced as a sole trader as Mercia Detective Agency. He was appointed to the WAPI GC, as Press Officer. Then a term as mentor. He is also currently a Director of Neptune Security Services.

John is also the Emergency Services Coordinator for the Salvation Army. West Midlands division having served with them in Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania and Kansas during emergencies. John n has handled the position of Press Representative for the Salvation Army in the area that he resides for many years.

As P R & Media John will be available to all WAPI Members to promote the image of the Association for the benefit of all of us, so you need to advise John of anything interesting or unusual for him to pursue the many Media contacts he has developed over the years.


Darren was appointed as the Association’s General Secretary in June 2006, having been in practice operating DLG Investigations in Oxford since 2005.

In 2006 Darren was elected as the Winner of the WAPI International Investigator of the Year 2006 – Best Newcomer Award.

Darren lives in Oxford with his wife, Imogen and plans to stand as Membership Secretary for the next Term for the Association.

Darren Glover

WAPI General Secretary


Nigel was born in 1973 and started his Investigation career working on fraud Investigations for a well known insurance company. After gaining several years investigating experience Nigel then went on to work as business development manager for another large Investigation company, after being made redundant in 2002 shortly before he was due to get married. nothing to do with his business development skills.

Nigel took the plunge and formed Corporate and legal Investigations Ltd he then utilised not only his business development skills but also his investigation knowledge and experience. Nigel has now gone on to be a newly qualified NVQ 4 Investigator and is a member of the Credit Services Association and Enforcement Service Association.

Nigel is a keen Martial Artist and holds a black belt in jujitsu. Nigel is married with 2 children and lives and works in west London

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