EVEN MORE NEWS – “without comment”

Daniel Morgan murder report censored

Home secretary, Priti Patel insists on censoring the report before its release.

Daniel Morgan was killed with an axe in 1987. Socialist Worker has long argued that the murder and its cover-up lies at the heart of the phone hacking scandal and much more.

The police admitted to corruption in the first of the investigations into the murder.

Over the years a clandestine network has been revealed, involving conmen and bent coppers, sub-contracted by private detectives paid by the media.

An independent panel has been investigating the case for eight years—it was supposed to take a year—and had been expected to publish its report last week.

But Priti Patel, the home secretary, ordered that her department must first censor the report.

The Home Office has said it has a duty to ensure the report complies with “human rights and national security considerations”.

A team from the Met has already spent ten days poring over the report to check whether any redactions were needed to protect the cops. Met boss Dame Cressida Dick is likely to be specifically criticised over Scotland Yard’s obstruction to the inquiry. But so are many others.

Whether Patel is helping the cops, the Murdoch media empire, or simply just being obstructive for the sake of it, is unclear.

The continued cover-up of the murder of Daniel Morgan is unsustainable.


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