BOOST CONFIDENCE of Potential Clients

BUILD YOUR BUSINESS with an International Network

HAVE ACCESS to Resources, Equipment and Investigative Methods

INFLUENCE Governments, Organisations and Public Opinion

WAPI Transfer Scheme


From time-to-time consumer customers are desirous of changing service suppliers, the reasons vary from hoping to minimise costs to hoping for a more personal service with more benefits.

If you are a current member of an investigators association then perhaps you might like to consider the World Association of Professional Investigators (WAPI) Transfer Scheme, which is being launched with immediate effect.

As a current fully paid-up member of good standing of any other association you could be eligible to transfer to WAPI via our transfer scheme.

The benefits are many and can be viewed on the WAPI Member Benefits and Levels page, in particular you will receive access to the free GDPR Code of Practise for Private Investigators plus free and discounted training.

The annual cost for a transfer will just be the cost of membership as from 01/01/2023, no vat, or hidden costs such as registration or administration fees.

In the event a transfer is requested the fee will be for the year 2023.

The usual £50.00 application fee will be discounted on checkout by entering the coupon code ‘MOVE2WAPI’.

WAPI IS A “NOT FOR PROFIT ORGANISATION“ with a global membership and is dedicated to providing a cost effective personal service to members.

Join WAPI Today

*Disclaimer* – All applications will be subject to the usual checks and your current membership status with another association will need to be proved by way of a membership certificate or membership card being produced
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