NCA refusal to investigate human rights abuse unlawful…..

NEWS – “without comment”

UK Human Rights Blog

Court of Appeal finds the National Crime Agency’s refusal to investigate human rights abuse-linked cotton imports from the Uyghur region unlawful 

By Shaheen Rahman on July 23, 2024

R (World Uyghur Congress) v National Crime Agency [2024] EWCA Civ 715

This landmark decision was a successful appeal from the judgment of Dove J ([2023] EWHC 88 (Admin)) on the single issue of whether the National Crime Agency (“NCA”) misdirected itself when reaching the decision (i) not to investigate alleged offences under Part 7 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (“POCA”) and (ii) not to commence a civil recovery investigation under Part 5, in respect of certain cotton products brought into the UK alleged to be the product of forced labour and other human rights abuses.

Full Judgment:  R (World Uyghur Congress) v National Crime Agency [2024] EWCA Civ 715

 This judgment has significant implications for those trading in goods known or suspected to have been produced using forced labour or other human rights abuses, who may face investigation and prosecution even where adequate consideration has been paid. It has been hailed as a victory for those subjected to forced labour and human rights abuses.

Shaheen Rahman KC is a barrister at 1 Crown Office Row Chambers

Posted by: Ian (D. Withers)

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