NEWS – “without comment”


June 6. 2023

Following discussion with the Institute of Professional Investigators (IPI) it gives me pleasure to announce that WAPI have elected to adopt the joint and standardised Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct along with the IPI, as a way forward for the Investigation Sector.

In doing so both WAPI and IPI will advise the Information Commissioners Office of the adoption of the Code and this should be held as an Industry standard. Of course, any other Association may also decide to adopt the Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct further strengthening our sector in the current absence of regulation and possible future moves towards it.

Over recent years, the various back and forth discussions, proposals, and attempted side-lining of those that practice in our sector has only aided in fragmenting us, in my opinion. I now feel that the time has come to move forward in a positive and professional way.

The original WAPI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct remains in force and forms the basis for dealing with any complaints. All Members by virtue of their membership have undertaken to comply with the published Code of Ethics.

ALL Complaints are solely based upon alleged breaches of the Ethical Code as published.

IPI & WAPI joint and standardised Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

 As a member of one of the above organisations, I undertake the following:

 1.            I must be accountable for all my work and/or investigations, which I will carry out within the

                highest standards of legal, professional and ethical principles, ensuring that my activities are

                covered by appropriate professional insurance. I will only operate in subjects or disciplines for

                which I am are qualified and/or recognised as being competent.


  1. I will treat all information received in the course of my work and/or investigations with

                discretion, confidentiality and in compliance with data protection law and principles. I must

                require confirmation that a client’s information and instructions are for lawful uses only and

                address any conflicts of interest, ensuring that I am personally or corporately registered with

                the appropriate Data Protection body.


  1. I will deal professionally in all matters with discretion, courtesy, and confidentiality within ethical

                constraints. I must not deny any professional services to any client for any reasons of race,

                colour, religion, sex, accessibility needs, sexual preference, or national origin. I will interact

                with others with Courtesy, Fairness and in accordance with the principles of Equality, Diversity

                and Inclusion (EDI).


  1. I must not misrepresent or exaggerate my activities and/or services. I will uphold the aims and

                objectives of my professional organisation(s) and protect their reputation and that of their



  1. I will maintain a high level of self-development and professional competence and keep up to

                date with legislation; techniques and any relevant disclosures required of me by my

                organisation, in particular any convictions recorded on the criminal database in my jurisdiction.


  1. I will ensure that any others assisting me in my work will also comply with this Code of Ethics

                and Professional Conduct. I will challenge and report any improper conduct of colleagues. I will

                refer all matters of conflict between members to the organisations’ governing body for

                arbitration, whose decision will be accepted as final and binding.



With many thanks to those members, from around the world who have taken time to compliment and approve the adoption of the IPI/WAPI Joint Codes.

Tony Smith

June 06, 2023

WAPI Chairman

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