IRELAND – Individual PI licensing from November 2022



The Private Security Authority (PSA) confirmed today that any person who operates as a private investigator in Ireland will be required to hold an individual licence from 01 November 2022.

Currently only businesses (contractors) are required to be licenced, this new layer of licensing applies to all current contractors and all their employees who conduct and/or supervise licensable investigation activities in Ireland.

There is a minimum training requirement for those applying for a licence; however, there are ‘grandfather rights’ for any employees or operators who were operational before 01 January 2022. (Declaration will be required during the application process) Those who do not qualify will need to complete training which is available via one provider ICSE.

The training is knowledge based and can be completed virtually over a 7-day period. There are 2 in person (Zoom) sessions, an introduction to the course and final exam, with 5 modules to be completed online in between.

More information on the training can be found via ICSE

This is a brief summary from my attendance today to a formal PSA briefing, if you require further detail clarity, please visit contact the PSA directly.


Posted by Ian (D. Withers)


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