UK: Blunders Before Father Tracked & Murdered His Daughter

THE ARGUS (Brighton & Hove) – September 12, 2016-09-12 By: Rachel Millard – Reporter

The address of a girl who was shot dead by her father was accidentally sent to him by her mother’s solicitor.
The seven-year-old and her mother had fled the violent man but he tracked them down and killed his daughter on her doorstep.
He had been sent their new address a few months earlier in divorce papers, a review has found.

Even when the girl’s mother warned police about the mistake, they passed it to the wrong neighbourhood police team who did nothing.
Yasser Alromisse gunned down his daughter Mary Shipstone as she walked home in Northiam, near Rye, with her mother Lyndsey Shipstone two years ago yesterday (September 11) before shooting himself in his car. The family had lived in Brighton before the mother and daughter had moved away for their own protection.

The murder has been labelled a ‘spite killing’ – intended to deprive Ms Shipstone of her daughter during a long-running custody dispute he was losing.
It is not clear whether Alromisse received the documents with their new address as he had moved house by that time.

He continued to use a private investigator after the letter was sent and the review found there was no evidence the letter was how he found her.
But it also found other agencies also mistakenly disclosed other details and said procedures must be tightened.

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Posted by: Ian (D. Withers)

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